Joshua Biddle, MD

Joshua Biddle MD
About Provider

A native of San Rafael, I am incredibly excited to return home and lead the MarinHealth Outpatient Palliative Care Program. I believe deeply in “whole person” care and strive to address all forms of suffering including physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. I am excited to work with MarinHealth’s multidisciplinary team of truly exceptional nurse practitioners, nurses, social workers, and chaplains to provide the highest quality care possible. Additionally, as a global health trainee at both Stanford and UCSF, I continue to be committed to delivering high quality palliative care in the developing world, and will continue to mentor palliative care fellows at UCSF. Finally, as a previous study physician on the UCSF Psilocybin for AIDS Survivors Study, I am interested in the use of psychedelic medicines, particularly psilocybin, to treat existential and psycho-spiritual distress in patients with serious illness.

Medical Group
  • MarinHealth Medical Network
Primary Service
  • Outpatient Palliative Medicine

Board Certification
  • American Board of Internal Medicine
  • Stanford University Medical Center - Internal Medicine
Medical School
  • University of California, San Francisco
  • University of California, San Francisco - Hospice and Palliative Medicine
  • Stanford University Medical Center - Internal Medicine
Professional Societies and Affiliations

American Medical Association;American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine

Honors and Awards

Board Member, Tarajia Together Kenya;Study Physician, UCSF Psilocybin for AIDS Survivors Study (PASS);Fulbright Research Award;University of California, Berkeley, University Medal